Croswhite's Sassy Lass Sami, HIC, was the second mini Aussie to be Herding Instinct Certified.
She was what you'd call 'scary smart'. One day she told Danny she needed to go outside. He got up and followed her down the hallway, through the dining room, into the kitchen, where she sat down in front of the stove, where his hot dogs were cooking! She lied!
Two puppies went into breeding homes, one of them being Bonza! Sadie Rose.
For information on how to read a pedigree, read this.
Click on each thumbnail to see the full size image. (The original images are various sizes.)
Wanna'be Twist of Fate
25 Oct 1991
Ch Wanna'be Picasso
20 May 1990
D9043HU002 MA55699210 NAS-57G96M
Huffmans Nik-Nak
Kovacs Red Rover Ralphie
Devons Dampier Dan
Harris Scarlet
A58686-8Y53 RF
Valhallas Blueberry Brandy
Valhalla's Russel
Valhalla's Sister Blue
O'Niels Misty Blue
Devins Dampier Dan
Cook's Joshua
Harris' Sydney
Rinaldis Blue Ashley
Strobl's Red Hot Pepper
Valhalla's Little Cherokee
Ch Destinys Wanna'be Jazz
04 May 1989
B8944DE001 MA401-87179 NAS-25G85F
Kovacs Red Rover Ralphie
Devons Dampier Dan
Cook's Joshua
Harris' Sydney
Harris Scarlet
A58686-8Y53 RF
Strobl's Red Hot Pepper
Valhalla's Little Cherokee
h Croswhites Miss Kitty Fox
10 Apr 1986
HII742 A17961-87216
Huffmans Hunk of Coal
Cook's Joshua
Harris' Sydney
O'Niels Misty Blue
Devins Dampier Dan
Rinaldis Blue Ashley
Destiny's Sassy Lass Sami HC
Valhalla's Russel
Valhalla's Redford
Gomes' Teddy Bear
Dizneyland's Texaz Red
Barne's Casey
Valhalla's Becky
Cordova's Spike
Cordova's Rosie
Valhalla's Mignonne
Cordova's Spike
Travis' Stimi
Travsi' Shady
Cordova's Cookie
Kevin's Prince Charlie
Larkspur's Gingersnap Maggie
Ch Croswhites Miss Kitty Fox
10 Apr 1986
HII742 A17961-87216